In english lesson sixteenth meeting. last week is the awaited day, because it will end semester 1 and going into semester 2. Today is the final test of English lecturer. From the start of the exam to this day. We were given 90 minutes to work on the English question. For English exam, we have to make a story at least 20 sentences about one's job and today we have to tell about an Mechanical Engineering. For the subject can be myself or he, his identity (date of birth, age, place of residence, hobbies, marriage or unmarried,if married with how many children and where residence), he job (he works as what, where he works,and how long he works there and what position he holds), besides we have to mention the tools he uses to work like safety helmet, screwdriver, pliers, hammer, compressor, ragum, drilling machine, welding machine, ring wrench, safety shoes etc.Is not too difficult if we learn(hehe). Already 90 minutes, we were asked to collect English answer sheets. We hope to get th...
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2018
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A:hey ,what's lif alif long time nose,how are you? B:I'm fine and you? A:I'm fine too, thank you where do you work now? B:Iam linemplogment now, Iam stiil looking for job. A:I'm sorry, l hope you can find anew job. B:so what's your job? A:I work as ca technician B:wow cool, where do you work? A:I work at pt.mayora indah B:what you usully do? A:I usuallyrepoir a machinehe and check all machine in my department. I see you bring afriend who is he? B:oh ya, I want to introduce my friend,he is fachrl C:hello I'm fachri,nice to meet you A:hello I'm muklis nice to meet you too
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In 13th class meetings. Tonight there was not presentation so Ms.Rella gave us the task of making conversations about the electrical engineering-related work we had searched for last week. Before we started do the task,Ms.Rella giving an example of how to make a conversation with the present tense and past tense sentences from the sentence positive, negative and ask questions. Ms. Rella ask us to search a person or more for partner for that conversation Next meeting we present our conversation in front of the class.Thanks
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In twelvth class meeting. The lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good morning class, How are you today? We replied, good morning miss, we fine. The lecturer start today lesson. She asked us, which goup will go forward for presentation? We replied six group, miss. Group of six forward and start introducing self one by one. Member of group six, Arief Wahyuaji, Nanda Pangestu Alfiandi, Roid Helmi, Muhammad Aryandhoni and Pangestu Mukti Wibowo . And than which become moderator is Pangestu Mukti Wibowo. After complete of introducing by self, they went straight in to the topic of discussion that is about “Elektromagnet”. First discusses the article. Second discusses question 5W + 1H. Third discusses verbal and nominal sentence. Fourth discusses tenses, its patern and reason. Fifth discusses active and passive sentence. And the last discusses translation from article under discussion. when finish presenting, group of six asked the audience, does anyone want to ask? no one asked .A...
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In The eleventh class meeting,we still have a presentation. And the next group is the fifth group presentation with the title is Electrical Engineering. Group five consists of 1. Cesar Mikho 2. M. Chaerul Holis 3. Nurul Rizki Kuncoro. Nurul Rizki Kuncoro as moderator, Cesar Mikho as speaker, M. Chaerul Holis as answering if any questions.
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In tenth class meeting. still with presentation sections. And our group will go forward. My group is group 4 wih me as a moderator, Dian bachtiar, Ramdhani Putra, M.Ferry as a speaker. And our presentation titled is Instrumentation Engineering. And Our presentation went well, alhamdulillah. And for the material of our persentation this is our material:
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in nineth class meeting. we are given exam results. And i got the score 73,alhamdulilah that’s better than i must repeat the lesson. And we don’t have any presentation today and we were given the task of finding songs with5W+1H. And this my results: What: what doesn’t kill you to makes you wish you ere dead (Bring Me The Horizon-Drown) When: When the curtain fall i’ll be wearing then (owl city- bird with a broken wing) Why: why do you do this to me (secondhand serenade-why) Who: Who will fix me now dive in when i’m done (bring me the horizon-drown) Where: Where do you think you’re going baby? (carl rae jepsen-call me Maybe) How: How much you wanna risk (the chainsmoker/coldplay-something just like this) That’s enough for me see you again.
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Hello Friends At the 8th class meetings on Friday Night 20 November 2017 in the room D.3.4. Currently we are undergoing a midterm exam supervised by other lecturers, not as usual by Miss Rella Dwi Respati. On this day we do midterm exam with 60 minutes, the material we do is about Verbal Nominal sentence and so on & with five questions answered. When finished answer then we collect the answer in the hope mendapakan good value. Thank you for your attention.
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Hi guys we meet again. Now i will tell my 7th class meeting. In the seventh meeting, a third group presentation under the title The Use Of Electromagnet. the third group consists of 1. A.Ridwan and 2.Nurdin Nuryadin. A.Ridwan as moderator as well as speaker and as answering if any questions. and nurdin Nuryadin as the Presenters. They can show their presentation so well. Good job for you guys.
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Assalamualaikum Wr Wb Hello Friends English lesson sixth meeting. The lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good morning class, How are you today? We replied, good morning miss, we fine. The lecturer start today lesson. She asked us, which goup will go forward for presentation? We replied third group, miss. group of three forward and start introducing self one by one, which become moderator is Fachrurrozy. After complete of introducing by self, they went straight in to the topic of discussion that is about “Binnary Number”. First discusses the article. Second discusses question 5W + 1H, but not with the answer. Third discusses verbal and nominal sentence. Fourth discusses tenses, its patern and reason. Fifth discusses active and passive sentence. And the last discusses translation from article under discussion. when finish presenting, group of three asked the audience, does anyone want to ask? there are some who ask and group of three can answer the questi...
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Assalamualaikum Wr.wb Hello Friends English lesson fifth meeting. The lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good morning class, How are you today? We replied, good morning miss, we fine. The lecturer start today lesson. She asked us, which goup will go forward for presentation? We replied third group, miss. group of three forward and start introducing self one by one, which become moderator is Surya Saputra. After complete of introducing by self, they went straight in to the topic of discussion that is about “ Gelombang Elektromagnetik ”. First discusses the article. Second discusses question 5W + 1H. Third discusses verbal and nominal sentence. Fourth discusses tenses, its patern and reason. Fifth discusses active and passive sentence. And the last discusses translation from article under discussion. when finish presenting, group of three asked the audience, does anyone want to ask? there are some who ask and group of three can answer the ...
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Assalamualaikum Wr Wb Hello Friends English lesson fourth meeting. The Lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good evening class. How are you today? We replied, Good evening Miss, We fine. The lecturer start today's lesson. She asked us, Which group will go forward for presentation? We replied first group miss, but group members not yet signed in. Because nothing is forward for presentation, the lecturer fill in today lesson with games. The lecturer told us to to create group. Each group membered five peoples. After finish making the group, we were given the assignment to search for songs that use word 5W +1H and sing it. we were given five minutes to search for the song. It been ten minutes gone, the lecturer ask each group to sing a exist song 5W +1H. Begins with a word “What”, the group 1,3,4,5 and 6 can answer correctly, my group can also answer by bringing a song "what i've down" sung by Linkin Park band whose lyrics "what i've down...
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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb Hello Friends The third meeting in english lessson. The lecturer come in and greet the college students, " Good Morning Colleg Students, How are you today ? We replied, "Morning Miss , We fine. The the lecturer go to the previous lesson that is the task of group presentation. The lecturer provide direction to us how to create presentation task. We were told to make four group for example how to make the task. I got a group of three. We begin to gather in their respective group. After that the lecturer give on article for each group. In the article each group is given a task. The first search article. The second search question from formula 5W + 1H ( What, Where, Why, When, Who and How). The third search sentence that use verb and that do not use verb(Nominal). The fourth determine tenses, pattern and reason. The fifth search sentence active and passive. The sixth translate article into Indonesian. After gi...
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Assalamualaikum Wr wb Hello Friends When it comes to english lesson the lecturer greet the college students and then continue back introduce the college students, who not yet advance. One by one the name college students are called and then I can turn forward. When in front I greet my friends and start introduce my self. Initially I did not feel nervous and then feeling nervous began to appear. When finish I sit back. And then the Lecturer continue the lesson is college students told create the group. The lecturer asked to the college students is previous already there is group. We replied "Yes" previous already there is group in the lesson indonesian. But we the forget what is the name chairman our group. And then the lecturer give task for us. And then the lecturer give referrals how to do task that was given. The english lesson is over the lecturer closed the lesson today. Thank you for your attention. Wassalamualaikum Wr wb